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Discord Integration

Currently MineTrax has these integration with Discord:

  1. Social Authentication (OAuth)
  2. Discord Notifications (with Bot)
  3. Discord Server Auto-Join when user login with Discord.
  4. Serverlog (Webhook)

Future planned integrations:

  • Role Sync with Linked Roles feature
  • Interactions with Bot

Setup Discord OAuth and Bot for Notifications

1. Create application in Discord for OAuth and Bot.

  1. Go to Discord Developers Portal and create a new application by clicking on New Application button at top right. You can name it anything you like.

  2. Now go to OAuth2 tab and note down CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET from there. You will have to Reset Secret once to view it.

  3. You now need to add a Redirect URL, Use the Add Redirect button to do this. Your URL will be your base domain with /auth/discord/callback added onto the end. For example for base our callback becomes Enter the callback there and click Save Changes.

  4. Next go to Bot tab, and find your TOKEN (You will have to Reset Token once to view it). Copy and note down the that bot token we will need it in next steps.

  5. Now open your .env file in minetrax directory and update these variables as follow.

    DISCORD_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #Set it to `true` if `false`
    DISCORD_CLIENT_ID= #Enter your CLIENT ID here
    DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI="${APP_URL}/auth/discord/callback" #Leave it as it is.
    DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN= #Enter your Bot Token here


  6. Run update sh so that the changes get reflected in the application.

    cd /var/www/minetrax

2. Add Bot to your server

  1. Open your minetrax directory in SSH and run php artisan discord:setup to initialize the process.

    cd /var/www/minetrax
    php artisan discord:setup
  2. It will ask if the bot is already added to your server. Type no and enter.

  3. Next it will ask you for CLIENT ID. Enter the CLIENT ID which you entered in .env, and then press Enter.

  4. It will give you a link which you should click and follow the instructions to add the Bot to your Discord Server.

  5. Once its added come back to the prompt and type yes and press Enter.

  6. It will do few checks and everything should complete and you should see a message Your bot has been identified by Discord and can now send API requests!.

  7. Done.

User need to login with Discord once

For notification to work for a user, they will need to login with Discord at least once after you have setup the Discord OAuth and Bot.

Next time whenever your user login with Discord, it will automatically link their account with Discord and do everything require to send notifications to him in DM.

Discord Server Auto-Join Feature

You can auto-join your users to a specific Discord Server when they login with Discord.

For this feature to work, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you follow the Setup Discord OAuth and Bot for Notifications guide to setup your bot and Discord OAuth is enabled.

  2. Make sure your bot has the following additional permissions: (if not, go to Discord Developers Portal and add it)

  3. Open Admin > Settings > General and fill your Discord Server ID in Discord Server ID field and save it.

  4. Open .env file in your minetrax directory and update the following variables:

  5. Run update sh so that the changes get reflected in the application.

    cd /var/www/minetrax
  6. Now whenever your user login with Discord, they will be auto-joined to the Discord Server.