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Plugin's config.yml

Using config.yml you can modify various aspect of the plugin to suite your need. In this section we will discuss about the details of those variables.

Content of config.yml

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# Created By: Xinecraft
# Support:

# This will enable or disable the Minetrax plugin
enabled: true
# The website address that will be linked. (Example:
# This is found on your website. In Admin Section > Settings > Plugin
# This is also found on your website. In Admin Section > Settings > Plugin
# This is the id of the server on your website. This has to be a numeric value. Can be found in Admin Section > Servers
# Your webquery ip address. Most of the time this can be left at
# The port that you opened so plugin and website can communicate. Make sure this port is not already take and can be open.
webquery-port: 25569
# This enables the sending of console logs to web.
enable-consolelog: true
# This enables the in-game chat feature.
enable-chatlog: true
# Sends server intel reports like cpu usage, memory etc. to website.
report-server-intel: true
# Sends player intel to website for better analysis.
report-player-intel: true
# Sends player inventory to Intel for better analysis.
send-inventory-data-to-player-intel: false
# Message format that will be sent when sending message from website to game
web-message-format: '&b[WEB]&r {USERNAME}: {MESSAGE}&r'
# Sends a reminder to player to link their account to website.
remind-player-to-link: true
# How often to send the reminder to player. This value is in seconds (300 seconds = 5 minutes)
remind-player-interval: 300
# Shorten the link URL using link shorter service. This will make the link shorter and easier to type.
shorten-account-link-url: false
# The message send to player to remind them to link their account
- "&lHey there! It seems you haven't linked your player in web yet."
- "&lLink now and earn rewards & perks!"
- "&lType /account-link to begin"
- "&oIf you have already linked and getting this message try rejoining the server"
# Message when player initialize account link process by typing /account-link
- "&7Please wait.. Account verification is instantiating."
# Message when player getting linked is not found in website database
- "&c404! Player not in website database yet."
- "&ePlease try again later."
# Message when player is already linked to an account.
- "&eHey! This player is already linked. Plz visit {WEB_URL} to know more"
# Message when player linking fails due to unknown error
- "&cUnknown error occurred while linking your account."
- "&ePlease try again later."
# Message when player linking /account-link is successful and LINK_URL is returned for final step.
- "&a&lPlease click or open the link below to complete linking process."
- "{LINK_URL}"
# If this is enabled it will send whois information about players when they join the server
enable-whois-on-player-join: true
# If this is enabled players with permission can run the /webwhois or /ww command
enable-whois-on-command: true
# This is the name of the permission players need to be able to use /ww command
whois-admin-permission-name: ww.admin
# Message that is sent when /ww finds no players
whois-no-match-found-message: "&4&lNo matching player found with your whois query"
# This is the format of message sent when someone joins the server for the first time
- "&a&l{USERNAME}&r is coming from &a&l{COUNTRY}&r"
- "&e&oNo data found for this player on web!"
# This is the format of message that is sent when player joins the server
- "&a&l{USERNAME}&r is coming from &a&l{COUNTRY}&r"
- "&6Position&r: &b&l#{POSITION}&r - &6Rank&r: &b&l{RANK}&r"
- "&6Rating&r: &b&l{RATING}&r - &6Score&r: &b&l{SCORE}&r"
- "&6Linked with&r: &b&l{USER}&r - &6Last Seen&r: &b&l{LAST_SEEN}&r"
- "&e&o{URL}&r"
# This is the format of message that is sent when player runs /ww command
- "&a&l{USERNAME}&r is from &a&l{COUNTRY}&r"
- "&6Position&r: &b&l#{POSITION}&r - &6Rank&r: &b&l{RANK}&r"
- "&6Rating&r: &b&l{RATING}&r - &6Score&r: &b&l{SCORE}&r"
- "&6Linked with&r: &b&l{USER}&r - &6Last Seen&r: &b&l{LAST_SEEN}&r"
- "&e&o{URL}&r"
# This is the format of message that is sent when admin runs /ww command
- "&a&l{USERNAME}&r is from &a&l{GEO}&r"
- "&6Position&r: &b&l#{POSITION}&r - &6Rank&r: &b&l{RANK}&r"
- "&6Rating&r: &b&l{RATING}&r - &6Score&r: &b&l{SCORE}&r"
- "&6Linked with&r: &b&l{USER}&r - &6Last Seen&r: &b&l{LAST_SEEN}&r"
- "&e&o{URL}&r"
# This is the message sent when there are more than 1 players found
whois-multiple-players-title-message: '&a&lThere is total &e&l{COUNT}&r &a&lplayers found.'
# This is the message sent to show list of players found
whois-multiple-players-list-message: '&6#{POSITION}&r - &b{USERNAME}&r'
# This is how long before player is considered AFK in seconds. Player Intel keep track of AFK activity for Analytics..
# If you use some sort of afk plugin it is recommended to set this time to match. (300 seconds = 5 minutes)
afk-threshold-in-seconds: 300
# If this is enabled this will deploy a firework when a player joins the server
enable-firework-on-player-join: false
# If this is enabled this will only deploy a firework when player joins server for first time
enable-firework-on-player-first-join: false
# How many fireworks will be sent when player joins
join-fireworks-amount: 2
# If enabled the plugin will send more log data in console for better debugging.
debug-mode: false
# If enabled only whitelisted commands (whitelisted-commands-from-web) can be sent from web. other custom command will be discarded.
allow-only-whitelisted-commands-from-web: false
- kill
- kick
- mute
- emute
- ban
- broadcast