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Setup Web (Docker)

MineTrax can be installed using Docker. This is quick and easy way to get started with MineTrax.

Server Requirements

Web (Docker) requires a VPS or Dedicated Server with atleast 4GB of RAM and 2 vCPU. Docker and Git must be installed in your server.

If you don't have Docker or Git installed, you can follow their official documentation to install them:


Cloning the codes from Github

Create a folder in location of your choice and clone the MineTrax git repo to it.

mkdir -p ~/minetrax
cd ~/minetrax

Now clone the MineTrax git repo to the newly created folder & copy the .env.example file to .env.

git clone .
cp .env.example .env

chmod u+x
Change default http Port

By default MineTrax in Docker runs on port 80. If you want to change the port, you can do so by adding APP_PORT variable in the .env file.


Running the Docker

Run the script to start MineTrax.

bash up


Now minetrax should be up and running on your domain http://your_server_ip.

A SuperAdmin user is created already for you, you can login and change the password:

Username: superadmin
Password: admin123

It is very important that you change the password & email of the superadmin user after logging in.

You can change password from Edit Profile section and email from Admin > Users section

After checking your site is up and running, make sure to change APP_ENV=production and APP_DEBUG=false in the .env file.


Run ./ optimize after updating the .env file to apply changes.

bash optimize

It is very important that you change your APP_ENV to production and APP_DEBUG to false in the .env file when you are done testing and setting up the site.

Keeping APP_ENV to local or APP_DEBUG to true might expose sensitive information to end users.

SSL & Domain Setup

Current docker setup does not include SSL setup and let you setup your own as per your needs. If you want to enable SSL on your site you can use Proxy (eg: Nginx) or Cloudflare.

SSL with Nginx Reverse Proxy

If you want to use SSL with Nginx Proxy, you can follow below steps:

  1. Point your domain/subdomain to the VPS IP address in your Domain Provider DNS setting with A record.

  2. Add APP_PORT variable in .env file with some different port than 80 (eg: 8080) so it does not conflict with Nginx.

  3. Update your APP_URL variable in .env file to use your domain with https & run bash optimize again.

  4. Install Nginx on your server if not already there and then setup a reverse proxy to the docker container.

    vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/minetrax.conf

    Add below configuration to the file and save it. Make sure to replace with your actual domain.

    server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
  5. Enable the site and restart Nginx.

    ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/minetrax.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/minetrax.conf
    systemctl restart nginx
  6. Install CertBot to get SSL certificate for your domain.

    apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
  7. Run below command to get SSL certificate for your domain.

    certbot --nginx -d -d
  8. Your site should now be accessible with https and SSL enabled.

Others Ways

There are multiple other ways to setup SSL on your site, you can use Cloudflare, Custom Certificate or any other service you prefer. Ping us on Discord if you need help with setting up SSL.

Updating to Latest Version

To update to the latest version of minetrax, you can run below command (from minetrax directory):

bash down
bash up

What's Next?

Now you are all set to go, you can start using minetrax and add your servers to it. Below are some steps to follow next:

  1. Add your First Minecraft Server to Web
  2. Install Plugin on your Minecraft Server

Available Docker Commands

1. bash up

This command is used to fetch latest version of minetrax and then run the containers.

Whenever there is any change made to code you should run it to get latest changes.

bash down
bash up

2. bash down

This command is used to stop and remove all the containers. This will not remove any data or database. You can safely run this command if you want to stop minetrax for some time.

3. bash logs

This command is used to view logs of all the containers. You can use this command to debug any issues you might face.

4. bash optimize

This command is used to clear old config cache and re-cache the config. This is useful when you change any environment variables or update your .env file.

5. bash artisan {command}

This command is used to run any artisan commands. For example, if you want to clear cache, you can use this command.

# Clear cache
bash artisan cache:clear

6. bash buildfrontend

This command is used to build frontend assets. It will run npm install and then npm run prod. This can be helpful if you are developing and using your own theme.

7. docker compose exec -it minetrax bash

SSH into the main docker container to test things or run some commands.