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Develop Custom Themes

MineTrax supports custom themes. This guide will walk you through the process of developing a custom theme for MineTrax.


  1. You have already setup MineTrax locally for development. If not, follow the guide here.
  2. You are familiar with Programming & have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vue.js.
  3. Your development environment is up and running.

Before You Start

Vue.js & Inertia

MineTrax uses Vue.js with Inertia for the frontend. If you are not familiar with Inertia or Vue.js, we recommend you take a crash course on them before proceeding. Search for free tutorials on YouTube, Laracasts, or read the official documentation.

Laravel Docs

VueJS Docs

InertiaJS Docs

Tailwind CSS

MineTrax default theme uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Its a utility-first CSS framework that is easy to learn and use.

Using Tailwind is optional, If you are not familiar with Tailwind or don't want to use it for your custom theme you can do so and instead add your CSS directly to app.css file and so on.

Frontend Structure

The frontend of MineTrax is built using Vue.js and Inertia. The frontend is located in the resources/js directory. This is the directory where you will be editing the frontend code for your custom theme.

Each theme has its own directory in the resources/js directory. The default theme is located in the resources/js/default directory.

Getting Started

Open your MineTrax project in any code editor.

1. Create a New Theme Directory

Keep your theme name unique

The name should be lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens(-), and underscores(_) only. No spaces or special characters are allowed. Try to keep the name unique to avoid conflicts with other themes.

Don't use default as the theme name as it is reserved for the default theme.

Create a new directory for your theme in the resources/js directory by copying the default directory. Eg: If you want to name your theme my-shiny-theme then create a new directory named my-shiny-theme in the resources/js directory and copy the contents of the default directory to it.

Now your resources directory structure should look like this:

├── default/
│ ├── css/
│ ├── js/
│ ├── markdown/
│ ├── views/
├── my-shiny-theme/
│ ├── css/
│ ├── js/
│ ├── markdown/
│ ├── views/
Why My theme directory don't show up in code editor

Every directory (except default) in resources directory is added to .gitignore file. So, if you are using a code editor like VSCode. You can add exclusion for your theme directory in .gitignore like its added for default theme.


1. Update .env variable

Open your .env file and update the APP_THEME variable to the name of your new theme.


2. Start Developing Your Theme

a. Update jsconfig.json file

Open jsconfig.json located in the root directory of your project and resources/default/js/* to resources/my-shiny-theme/js/*

"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"jsx": "preserve",
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": [

This will help your code editor to understand the path of your theme files and help you with intellisense for auto imports.

b. Start Dev Server

Run the following command to start the frontend server for development:

npm run dev

This will start the dev server and watch for changes to the frontend assets. Open your web browser and go to http://minetrax.test and you should see the MineTrax homepage.

Start developing your custom theme by editing the frontend code in the resources/js/my-shiny-theme/ directory.

basic example

As an example, lets try to change primary color of website by editing tailwind.config.js file.

Find for colors object and change the light-blue color value from to colors.lime or something of ur liking and see the changes in the browser.

colors: {
'light-blue': colors.lime,
'cool-gray': colors.gray,
'lime': colors.lime,

3. Build for Production

When you are done with the development, run the following command to build the assets for production:

npm run prod

This will build & optimize the assets for production. You can find your new theme build in the public/build/my-shiny-theme/ directory.

4. Pack your Theme for Sharing

There are two directories you need to pack for sharing your theme with others:

  1. resources/js/my-shiny-theme/ - This is the directory where you have developed your theme, and it also contains views and other assets.
  2. public/build/my-shiny-theme/ - This is the directory where your build files for production are located.

Its recommended to keep the structure of your theme same as the end user will have to copy the files to the same directory.

Eg: If your theme is named my-shiny-theme then you can pack the theme directory like this:

├── how-to-install.txt # (optional) Instructions for installing the theme.
├── resources/
│ ├── my-shiny-theme/
│ │ ├── css/
│ │ ├── js/
│ │ ├── markdown/
│ │ ├── views/
├── public/
│ ├── build/
│ │ ├── my-shiny-theme/
│ │ │ ├── assets/
│ │ │ ├── manifest.json
│ ├── theme-assets/ # (optional) If additional assets required by the theme.
│ │ ├── my-shiny-theme/
│ │ │ ├── images/

You can create a zip file of the my-theme-v4 and share it with others. Make sure you are only including the necessary files from resources and public directories, and not the entire MineTrax project.

How end user can install your theme?

Your theme users will have to:

  1. Unzip your theme archive.
  2. Copy the resources/my-shiny-theme directory to the resources directory of their MineTrax project.
  3. Copy the public/build/my-shiny-theme directory to the public/build directory of their MineTrax project.
  4. Copy any additional assets if theme requires. Eg: public/theme-assets/my-shiny-theme directory to the public/theme-assets directory of their MineTrax project.
  5. Update the .env file to use your theme.
  6. Run sh so that the changes are reflected in the application.

Check Custom Theme for more details.

Join Discord server to share your theme with others or for any queries.

5. Become Theme Developer

If you are interested in developing themes for MineTrax and want to share/sell them with others, you can become a Theme Developer.

Join Discord server and ping @Xinecraft to get the Theme Developer role.

Role Requirement

You may be required to provide link to your previous works, a demo theme & GitHub profile to get the role.

Images & Other Assets

If your theme requires adding additional assets like images, fonts, etc. you can add them to the public/theme-assets directory.

Create a new directory for your theme and add your assets there. For example, if your theme is named my-shiny-theme you can add your assets to public/theme-assets/my-shiny-theme directory.

You can then reference these assets in your theme's frontend code using the /theme-assets/my-shiny-theme path.

While sharing your theme with others, you will have to include it in your theme package and instruct the users to copy those to the public/theme-assets directory.

How to Keep Your Theme Updated with MineTrax

When MineTrax is updated to include new feature (which make changes in frontend), you will have to update your theme theme to support those changes.

Whenever new update is released, a changelog will be provided with the changes made in the frontend so that you can update your theme accordingly.

You will take latest pull of MineTrax and update your theme by comparing the changes in the default theme with your theme. Eg: If a new feature is added in the default theme, you will have to add that feature to your theme as well.

We recommend you to version your theme to same version as MineTrax. (Eg: If MineTrax is at v4.3.0, your theme should be at v4.3.0).

Going forward, MineTrax will try not introduce any breaking changes in minor versions (Eg: v4.4.0 to v4.5.0) so your theme not break for minor version updates.

DX Improvement

This process will continuously be improved to make it easier for theme developers to keep their themes updated with MineTrax.


1. Is there any theme development service available?

Yes, Join Discord server and create a request for it.

2. Do I need to update every file in my theme to create a new theme?

No, you only need to change files that you want to customize. You can leave the rest of the files as it is.


  1. If you want to change only the User End of the website and not the Admin Dashboard, you can do so by editing only concerned files.
  2. If you want to change the color of the website, you can edit tailwind.config.js file.
  3. and so on.

2. Can I use a different CSS framework instead of Tailwind?

Yes, you can use any CSS framework or write plain old css yourself.

3. Can I use a different JavaScript framework instead of Vue.js?

Though its technically possible, we recommend you to use Vue.js as it is the default framework used in MineTrax.

No, you can structure your theme however you like. You can make it customizable or not, it's up to you as per your requirements.